Industry 4.0
From 2016 until today the 4th Industrial Revolution - Industry 4.0 - has passed its childhood and is already in certain areas in the stage of maturation. It has incorporated many of the new technologies and promotes sustainable development, taking into account the constraints and challenges as they arise, whether it be climate change, the development of new green technologies, or tackling Covid19.

Algorithms in Big Data & Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Thinks, cloud and blockchain technologies lead to networking and new business ecosystems. Businesses develop their own comparative advantages and seek new business opportunities by participating in networks within new ecosystems, like all successful startup ecosystems.
The necessary and necessary condition for a company to participate in the new era is the integration of new technologies in its processes and finally its digital transformation (Digital Transformation). The digital transformation requires painstaking and targeted processes with central planning and determined leadership and its results affect broader socio-economic parameters, such as the real estate needs with limited office and distance work, created by the digital nomads (Digital). The effort of every company to achieve its digital transformation by consuming as few resources as possible requires, as mentioned above, a determined Leadership, a holistic approach and the gradual integration of new technologies.
In this rapidly changing business environment, social networks cannot be ignored. Digital marketing, which until recently was at the forefront of technology, is now a self-evident business activity and most companies invest in monitoring social networks and with the help of artificial intelligence and Google analytics can quickly get appropriate business decisions.

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